Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Spiritual Path

The spiritual path for me, is the very essence of my journey, my journey on the Camino, and my journey on earth.  I have wrestled with the Roman Catholic Church for as long as I can remember.  Not in a bad way, (ok maybe a little)  but mostly in a healthy way, like the way I used to wrestle with my brothers on the living room floor when we were younger.  Or how our family of seven used to banter around the dining room table every night over current events, and politics.  No one really lost, everyone got in their licks in,  so to speak, and in the end, we still loved each other, and we knew our strengths and weaknesses when we were through.  We knew our differences and agreed to love anyway.  So it is with my relationship with the hierarchical, misogynistic, power sucking Holy Roman Catholic Church.  Oh, did I say that?  Sorry if I offended anyone.  Just my humble opinion.  Yet, I still love being Catholic and its Sacraments and traditions.  I pray for the Church every day, and I pray the Pope will have a change of heart, and remember the Spirit of Vatican II.  But none of it really matters, as my connectedness is with God, and not a fellow in a funny hat and shoes, who thinks he is. lol...
It is my prayer that on the Camino, my spiritual path will hopefully be one of forgiveness and renewal, of insight, and revelation.  Unlike others who seek to find themselves, I want to lose myself. I want to lose my self, and begin a new journey, in Spirit and truth.  (Hebrews 12; 1) "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us."

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post, Joni! What generosity of heart and spirit!
    What a great way you give me to start my day! Thank you!
